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Three Things To Consider To Give Your Display Stand the Edge

Designing a display which helps you stand out against the competition

Exhibitions and trade shows are competitive arenas where each business is striving to be the best. While many go into events such as these with a list of potential clients already lined up, the hope is that their exhibit can attract individuals that they never would have been able to access before. This has led to exhibitions becoming a booming industry with thousands of events hosted annually across the globe. Inside each hall are hundreds of competitors, all striving to gain just 5 minutes of an attendee’s time.

Many strategies have been formulated over the decades to achieve this. Those that succeed can see a significant return on their investment. This is why the best exhibitors spend months meticulously planning their stand. Your products and services may be revolutionary, but without the right kind of hook that is going to draw people in, then it is not going to get the attention it deserves. A lot of this boils down to the appearance of your exhibition stand.

Picking the right display stand

All great display stands begin with the exhibition stand itself. This means picking a design which will allow you to make the most of your pitch. For compact spaces such as a 3x3m, Pop Up Stands represent an option which allows you to make the most of the area without completely overdoing things. Pop Up Display Stands are incredibly easy to use, making them useful for small teams looking to make the most of their experience.

If you are fortunate enough to get a larger space, then this opens up the possibility of custom made exhibition stands. One of the options that we provide here at Go-Displays is the Streamline Exhibition Display Stand. This adopts a flexible design which is able to adapt from event to event. Panels are individually attached to two poles which are a metre apart (extending up to at least eight metres). By moving the poles, the design of the Streamline can change from a flat backdrop to a cylindrical design. What enables this custom built exhibition stand to shine amongst other options on the market? You can remove panels as and when required. This enables the Streamline display stand to be adapted to large and small exhibitions as you head through the year.

Incorporating necessary components

This is where a lot of your planning will come into focus. While the display stand may put in the work to grab the attention of attendees, it is the various components of your stand whose responsibility it is to draw them in. This includes your team, activities, demonstrations, talks and more. Every experienced exhibitor has gone through the cliché of ‘goodies’ and those little fuzzy bugs, so this is where it is incredibly important to try and be unique. Bring your products and services into play in a way that dumbs it down for an audience. Not everyone necessarily understands them the way you do.

When online banking was in its infancy, VISA used a coffee machine to demonstrate how quick it was to make a payment online. How? All they did was hand out free coffee all day. As attendees stood and waited, the stall holders stood and had an informal chat with them. After a couple of minutes when they were done, they were informed that was how long it takes for an online banking transaction to complete. Rather than trying to explain all the cogs and screws of how the system worked, they streamlined it into something their attendees would understand and it worked.

In the context of your business, narrowing this concept down can be time-consuming. Pull it off and it can very well be the catalyst for a successful exhibition. Try to incorporate elements such as promotional counters, table computers and interactive material which provides passers-by something to engage with that isn’t the conventional; ‘grab the next person in sight’. People want to be enticed but not with by the book sales spiel.

Graphic design which provides the foundations for success

Great design will always stick in the memory better than the mundane. A terrible design will raise a few laughs but is unlikely to entice anyone to do business with you. Your display stand as a whole forms the first impression that many attendees will have of your business. If you have a pixelated graphic, products thrown here, there and everywhere and staff eagerly searching for anyone to make eye-contact with, then it is hardly going to come across well with someone who knows nothing about you.

Whether your business is big or small, great design is achievable for anyone . It can make those SMEs appear more significant than perhaps they are. This design begins with the exhibition stand itself. Regardless of which style you go for, have your graphics professionally designed by someone who knows what they are talking about and has experience in the field. They will be able to meld colours, fonts and images in ways that you could probably never imagine. While the design you do looks great on screen, often the end result does not end up quite as imagined.

So extend this design from your exhibition stand across any other promotional elements that you have. I guarantee that you will already be leaps and bounds ahead of your competitors. If you are able to put the whole package together with a hook as well as something to reel attendees in, then you will have built a considerable foundation from which to work from. All that is required then is for your team, your product and your services to seal the deal.