How Flexible Modular Stands Are Such an Effective Marketing Tool

Traditionally, when picking the right modular stand, the portability of them tended not to be taken into consideration. Having a large team on hand to transport it meant that it was very rarely an issue. However, in the digital age when marketing is moving online, the size of the teams on the stands are shrinking. This makes a lightweight exhibition stand a necessity. As marketing budgets account more for a company’s online presence, the days when you could pick up a different exhibition stand for each individual event are truly over due to the sheer cost of them. Instead, the hones in now on finding an exhibition stand which can be utilised time and time again.

Versatility and Efficiency

This has seen a drastic shift towards smaller businesses in particular opting for modular stands which deliver on their requirement for a cost efficient yet still highly effective display solution. The fact they are modular means that they can be easily re-modelled to adapt to different stand spaces. Depending on the marketing strategy of your business, this means that the modular exhibition stand can be used at a trade show one week, before being utilised a week later at another event such as a shopping centre exhibition.


Rather than using complex framework, modular stands use simple aluminium frames. This makes them lightweight but also adaptable when you are trying to achieve the shape you require. Therefore, at your trade show, they can make up a stylish and professional backdrop. Then, if you are exhibiting at another event with an open space, the stand can be set up in a cylindrical shape to add a sense of class and ingenuity to your display.


Our Modular Stand Solution

Here at Go Displays, we designed the Streamline exhibition stand with these necessities in mind and this is why they are so adaptable to whichever environment you will be exhibiting in. For example, one of our clients may pick an 6x3m stand, with the intention of using it on smaller stands. The graphics and design of the stand are then taken into consideration to ensure it makes the optimal impact.


So you have an adaptable modular stand which can be used at various different events and environments. Now it is important to ensure the stand is built to last for many years to come, so you can get the most out of what you pay. When ordering, make sure your supplier includes a guarantee. This will give you an indication as to the quality of the materials used to create the exhibition stand.


Every Streamline display stand we manufacture is created using quality materials. From the aluminium frames all the way to the inks and pigments, which is why we include a 10-year guarantee. If you are interested in more information about the Streamline exhibition stand, then our team would be glad to help. Simply give them a call on 01733 232000 or send them an e-mail at

Streamline Modular Stand