The Importance of Image and How It Can Determine the Success of your Business

There is plenty to consider when starting out a new business from logistics right through to your brand. While providing a great service will obviously play a crucial role for the long term prospects of your business, it is equally important to create a central identity which will attract potential clients and encourage growth. If you consider some of the largest organisations in the world, just the logo or the company name can tell a potential customer everything they need to know and whether they are the right organisation to be working with. If either of these is vague or does not immediately make an impact with the individual, then the opportunity for conversion significantly drops.


This all comes down to first impressions, an innate human instinct that we all have. Every time you search for a product or service, all of the pre-requisite qualities that you are searching for are already at the back of your mind and these form your general opinion of a company within just a few seconds of uncovering them. For example, if you are looking for a company to manage your money, you will be instantly turned off by a brand which looks anything other than professional and trustworthy. They may offer a fantastic service, but neglecting their brand and image immediately hampers their ability to attract potential clients and customers.


While your company name can give an indication of your brand, it is often the logo from which many individuals will make their decisions. Getting this done professionally is the easiest and most efficient way of achieving a simple yet effective design to ooze with the values and ethos that are the core of your organisation. The added benefit of paying a premium is that good design can be combined with expertise so that interested clients and customers can immediately understand the type of service which you provide.


If the design is successful, then it is crucial that this identity becomes intertwined with the foundations of your business. The website, promotional materials and even your premises all create the shopfront which is vital in demonstrating what your company provides. If you are working with other businesses, then a slick, professional appeal often generates the most success. Integrate this into your logo, but then continue to operate from a dilapidated office and you risk turning away potential clients. Many of the great start-ups ooze the concept of innovation and fresh ideas, which is why you will find many operating in modern offices situated in the trendy areas of the capital.


It is therefore important to identify the area of the market that you are looking to move into in order to establish an identity. Creating the values and ideals of your brand at the beginning can define the success you have and it can be extremely difficult to change it in the months and years to come. This is why it is so important to thoroughly establish these ideas in your business model at the start as they need to fit the vision you have for your company.


By establishing these into the foundations of your business, over time they become the guidelines for the people you employ to adhere to. Creating such an identity will help to keep customers coming back by understanding fully the type of service they can expect. Even with staff changes and tweaks to your business model, the image which your clients see remains the same. While none of us are blessed in being able to see into the future, as long you are passionate and dedicated to the values of your image, then this will continue to strengthen and expand your brand in the years to come.


If you are looking for graphic design options for your business such as logos, business cards, leaflets and more, then you can get in touch with us by calling 01733 392592 or by sending an e-mail to

