Where Can Promotional Counters Have the Most Impact?

Marketing your business is often where being unique can really stand out. While going against the grain can be seen as a risk, when it is thoroughly thought out, it has the potential to really grab people’s attention. It feels like Promotional Counters have been around for a long time at this point and this perception at times has hindered its image as a valuable marketing tool. But with some thought and imagination, Promotional Counters are being re-invented as more than just a mobile shop, but as a means to engage with potential clients and let them see and hear what your company is all about.

The trick is to first pick out a Promotional Counter which is versatile, something which you can use at exhibitions, trade shows, shopping centres or even just the office. Even if they are creating a few conversions per event, they can quickly begin to provide return on investment. The added benefit of course is that the more you explore the possibilities with Promotional Counters, the more you are able to refine your technique and hone opportunities that you can take advantage of to attract new clients.

As Part of a Larger Stand:

In recent years, one unique way that we have begun to see promotional counters being used is in conjunction with larger displays such as exhibition stands. There are some fantastic modern designs out there, such as the Phoenix Promotional Counter which help to dispel the image of it being a sales counter, but rather as a more approachable front for the business. The arrowhead-esque design feels much more streamlined and professional as opposed to the traditional design of a box which makes most of us think; “Please don’t try and talk to me!”.

In this day and age, attracting new clients should never be about grabbing people that walk by and attempting to ram your products down their throat. Consumers will buy what they are interested in, which is why the great marketing tools are those that spark debate, that play with people’s emotions and ultimately, get them talking. Promotional counters will never and should never be the star of the show, but they can provide the perfect platform for your products and services when you add a bit of sparkle.

Demonstrations, tasters, competitions or even free coffee, these are all incentives to encourage people to engage with you. You can rattle off your sales pitch for hours on end, but if there is no initial hook, then they are instantly going to blank whatever comes out of your mouth. With so many diverse industries out there, there are quite literally hundreds of ways to utilise Promotional Counters at exhibitions, it’s just a case of getting your head down and conjuring an idea which is both unique and is guaranteed to make passers-by stop and seek to find out more.

On Its Own:

As a standalone, Promotional Counters can be used pretty much anywhere. The Phoenix Promotional Counter in particular is designed to be simple to use and can be neatly packed away which means it can accompany you wherever you are going. Meetings, presentations, pretty much any location where you are presenting your brand, a Promotional Counter can accompany you there.

Promotional Counters can be a very effective branding tool when used correctly and many nowadays can feature graphic design. This provides you with completely free scope to customise the Promotional Counter in any way you please. Introducing your logo and company colours is a pretty bog-standard way of approaching things, so try and think a little outside of the box. In the past, we have seen designs which incorporate a demonstration or presentation matter to make the Promotional Counter that bit more unique.


Phoenix Counter