3 Reasons Why You Must Consider Printed Display Boards



What Are Printed Display Boards



When searching for display boards, often our go-to is to look for pinnable or Velcro-friendly options. These have been around for years, tried & tested and proven to be reliable. However, just because we become comfortable with a product does not mean we should neglect other options out there. The most exciting part about display boards is when you can customise them, but often the result is not as we first imagine. As a remedy for this, we’re going to introduce to a unique option; printed display boards.

Flexibility is great when creating a display, but it is important to consider the message you are sending out. Traditional display board design is suitable for businesses focusing on homemade and academics promoting their work. For others seeking a more professional or high-quality result, this is where printed display boards come into their own. By integrating printed Foamex directly into the panels, it is possible to create rich, vivid displays and combine it with a portable and easy-to-use display board. For individual exhibitors, this can be an ideal solution, especially when travelling to an event.


Printed Display Boards
Source: https://www.go-displays.co.uk/acatalog/Printed-Graphic-Display-Stands.html


1. Embracing Quality to Gain the Edge Over the Competition



The quality of a display is the defining feature which determines whether it will be a success. The printed display boards themselves are designed to have an edge over traditional designs. All the options available here at Go Displays are manufactured with high-quality materials as standard. On a structural level, this makes the display boards more resolute and protects them against minor damage in the long run. This is crucial with a printed display which you would expect to not need to change for the foreseeable future.

The material which distinguishes the printed display board is the introduction of Foamex sheets. These are integrated within the panel, creating a seamless finish. Foamex is flexible by itself, however, the option of being able to print on it makes it unique. The structure of the Foamex ensures it is a favourite of digital designers as you can achieve high-quality, aesthetically pleasing results. It is also cheaper than other alternatives, as well as being extremely durable, guaranteeing a favourable return on investment for the user.



2. Integrating a Design Which is Eye-Catching



So, why opt for printed display boards when you are committed to a design? Obviously, if you are looking to change the format for every event, the printed boards are not for you. However, if you require a consistent design for multiple shows, then they provide a long-lasting and higher quality result. Furthermore, if you find yourself constantly struggling to tweak a display design, then now is an ample opportunity to pay a bit extra to get the professionals in.

All graphics are printed digitally, which means you can contract a professional designer to do the work for you. You can feed in your ideas, some photographs, as well as the text and then the visual side, is all taken care off. Printed display boards are a long-term solution, and commissioning a professional design ensures they retain their value. Consequently, the design of the display also rubs off on your brand. This helps to create a positive first impression when you first meet some of your potential new clients.



3. Designed to Last



Traditional display boards can often be filed under the cheap and cheerful category. This also means that its potential is limited by your creative ability. But just because marketing/design is a weakness, does not mean that your product or service need be hampered by it. Printed display boards are likely to cost more, but their design is developed around making that investment go further. While a home-made display may yield moderate success for a short-time, a printed display can be optimised to provide an excellent display tool for many years to come.

It’s this ethos which printed display boards from Go Displays are developed upon. We introduce quality materials at every stage of the manufacturing process. This helps to ensure a fantastic product when it arrives with our clients but also guarantees they can retain their lustre even after they have has been used multiple times. As a commitment to that promise, all the printed display boards that we produce include a five-year manufacturer’s guarantee.


Printed Display Boards


Go Displays design, print and manufacture exhibition stands and display boards. A family-run business, we value creating display tools which are built-to-last and designed to impress. For further information on how we can help, please get in touch. To do so, either call 01733 232000 or send an e-mail to sales@go-displays.co.uk.