Exhibition Checklist – Everything You Need Before and After

There are so many factors to ensuring you have a successful exhibition, sometimes things fall through the cracks. Whether you’ve signed up for an exhibition to grow your customer base, launch a new product or simply to raise awareness around your business, you will want it to go without a hitch. To help you on your way we have compiled a checklist to guide you before and after your exhibition.

Before the show


1. Define what success means to you and establish how you will achieve it. Set sales and/or leads targets and ensure your team understand what is expected of them.
2. Establish what your hook is going to be:

● Will you launch a new product?
● Offer an exhibition discount?
● Give out samples and freebies?

3. Work out what you require from your stand:

● Where is it going to be sited – is it a corner stand? Down a side alley? In the middle of the floor?
● What lighting will you require, if any?
● Do you need electricity? Internet? A water source?
● Do you need a table and chairs? Stools? Somewhere for visitors to relax whilst you engage with them?
● Will you offer refreshments? Do you need crockery and glasses?
● Are you presenting? Will you require AV equipment?

Do you need a table and chairs for your exhibition?


4. Brief your display stand provider so that they understand fully what your goals are and how you hope to achieve them, so that they can create a stand to assist you.
5. How are you going to capture data? Clipboards and pens or electronically? Make sure all your staff know.
6. Do you need insurance?
7. Does the venue offer security overnight or do you need to provide someone to watch over your stand?
8. How will you get in and out of the venue?
9. Who is setting up and dismantling your stand?
10. Do you require branded clothing? T-shirts, aprons. Do you need giveaway branded items? Have you got enough promotional literature to distribute? Have you ordered roller banners or posters?
11. Do you have enough business cards and name badges for all of your staff?
12. Ensure you do your marketing thoroughly:

● Shout about it on social media
● Send out press releases to local press
● Inform all of your customers, invite them to the show
● Plaster it over your website

Shout about your exhibition stand on social media
Source: https://www.e2msolutions.com/social-media-marketing


13. Read the exhibition guidelines so you know exactly what is expected of you, when you can get access and when you have to leave by.
14. Make sure you have a fully stocked first aid kit, you never know what might happen.
15. Pack enough pens and paper, stationery and water for you and your team.

After the show


16. Collate all new leads and follow up on them in a timely manner.
17. Evaluate your achievements with your pre-show aims and objectives. Have you been successful? Create a lessons learned sheet with the takeaways from this show and let it guide you for future events.
18. Thank all staff and assistance personnel for their hard work.