Things that take longer to do than putting up a pop up … Continued

As the month has gone on we have thought of so many day to day activities that have taken more than 15 minutes, its amazing how we spend our time and the tasks we choose to fill our day.

But whilst we’re still on this topic, we’re not done yet!


Playing on a game console

It’s an easy mistake to make… you log on for 1 game and hours later you’re still glued to the screen. You’re about to beat your best score and unlock the next level – how could you possibly turn off now?










Online shopping

We’ve all been there, it starts with a quick browse online to see what’s new and what’s been added to the sales. After searching for something you don’t really need, you have a basket full of items, which you assure yourself will come in handy at some point.



Packing a suitcase

The feeling of going on holiday is pure bliss. Dreaming of the palm trees and the pools and the unlimited cocktails whilst you sunbathe.

Now hold that thought, before the relaxing can begin the packing of the suitcase needs to happen. Folding and refolding, packing and unpacking, having the realisation 10 pairs of shoes are probably not required.

One last thought, packing just 1 suitcase? Think again – you’ll have the husband’s and the kids too!








Choosing a place to eat

Now, this is a great point, mainly because it focuses around food. But how long can we really sit there and go around in circles about where to eat and which cuisine is the right choice?

The answer is – ages!

Okay, you can’t make your mind up, but when you do, it will be a decision thoroughly mulled over.



Applying make up

Mascara, foundation, eye makeup, the list goes on and the choice is endless. These products we apply to our face to make us look and feel amazing for a whole number of reasons. Our eyes look bigger and check bones more defined, if only others understood the effort put into looking this symmetrical.


Writing a blog

As I sit here and type away, take my word for it – it takes longer than 15 minutes.