Exhibition hints and tips :- How to plan for a last minute exhibition

For whatever the reason you find yourself planning and organising a last-minute exhibition, we feel your pain. It’s hard enough when you have months, let alone trying to track down your ideal stand in a matter of a week or just a few days.

There’s a lot to plan to ensure you have a decent looking display. If you’ve gone to so much trouble and money to book an event, it’s essential you make it worth your while. Don’t let your display set you back just because you feel tight on time.

Has the exhibition been sprung on you? Have you known for months but haven’t actioned anything? Either way, we’ve got some useful information for you on how to plan for a last-minute exhibition.

Straight 3x3 Pop Up Stand

To-do list

First things first, write a list. Before you start to panic, make a list. A list that has everything you need to consider to make this exhibition a hit. Adding the highly prioritised must haves at the top and the less urgent could do with out points at the bottom.

Making your way through a list, is a way to make sure you adhere to a schedule. It also lets you know exactly where you are and how much you have ticked off (or not).

Start to tackle the list as soon as you have realised you’re up against it, there’s no time to put it off. You also need to allow the event company the time to create your stand and get it to you or the venue on time.



Quick stands and accessories

You can still create an amazing display with fast turn around stands and accessories. Unfortunately, this isn’t the time to shop around, looking at the high-end fancy bespoke stand. Chances are you’ll need a lot more time and planning.

You can still be open to quirky stand shapes, but don’t over plan and stress yourself more than necessary. A good trusted Pop Up display is sure to see you through until the end of the exhibition and make an impact.

With accessories in mind, a roller banner, printed plinth or a simple design can create the look you desire. A touch of compromise will be required.

Curved 3x3 Pop Up Stand

Graphic design

If you are a designer or you’re confident with Photoshop and can create your design with your eyes closed – go for it. Design your artwork for your stand to the specification provided to get the job done and save on budget.

On the other hand, completing a large format design if you never have, is hard. It’s not something that can just be picked up for one event. In this case, we advise to use a graphic design service. This eliminates wasting time on errors and ensures the job gets done promptly and professionally.



Be prepared to pay more

We know, no one likes to pay more. But sometimes it’s the only way.

Once you’ve chosen the stand for your last minute exhibition, there’s a possibility that a quick turnaround comes at a price. To ensure your stand will be on time, express print options and next day deliveries are probable.

This allows the manufacturer to make, print, pack and deliver your complete stand and accessories in the nick of time. Yes, you must pay a little extra, but you’ll have an amazing stand to show for it.



Our last point – Don’t panic!

It’s easy to get lost in the panic of planning and we understand starting your to-do list is daunting. But if you tackle this head on, with a realistic view on what you can achieve, this will ease the pressure.

Speaking to your stand provider will be a massive help, as they can take some of the workload. Ask them to present you with stand designs, bundles and accessories to work with your stand space and lead time. This saves you time and passes the difficult part to the professionals.


Range of 4 roller banners