How Display Boards Can Enhance the Stalls of Arts and Crafts Exhibitors


Arts and crafts fairs are fantastic melting pots for creative pieces and unique ideas. For those just starting out, or for more established organisations, they provide an opportunity to meet potential clients, but more importantly, they serve as a hub for creative ideas to flow and for new ideas to flourish. The opportunity to display your products to an audience who already have a vested interest in your style presents the platform to build a business. Even if you are exhibiting in order to have your work recognised, there are many ways that display boards can be utilised to enhance your stand, and boost your impact at the exhibition.


Make A Statement:


Despite being on the smaller scale of what you may expect from exhibitions, when representing your work, it is vitally important that it is done in a way of attracting people to your stand. Fortunately, in the field of arts and crafts, there is a fairly good chance that the creative juices have already been flowing and you have an idea in mind of how you wish your stand will be presented. Developing a creative design which grabs the attention of visitors, serves as the ice-breaker to draw their attention towards your craft.


Display Boards are a great tool to be used as a central component in your design. While the boards themselves may not be as spectacular as what you have produced, they do provide a professional look to your stand, thereby creating the image of quality and reassurance that people sometimes need to draw them in. Especially if you are looking to develop your hobby into a business, starting out by being as professional as possible will be the ideal way to begin building contacts for the future.


Become More Efficient:


For beginners or even more experienced exhibitors, it is important to begin to understand what people are looking for when attending arts and crafts fairs. With such an array of different products, it’s unlikely they are looking for something in particular, which is why it is imperative to develop your stand to really call out to them when they walk into the room. Filling the stall up with as much as possible generally tends to be more detrimental to the appearance, rather than benefitting it as you might expect.


If you are hoping to make exhibitions a regular excursion, then it is worthwhile building an identity through your exhibition stand which will make you recognisable to previous visitors. This is great for recommendations passed through word-of-mouth, especially when you have a particularly memorable aspect of your display boards that can then be easily described and passed around.


Build a Reputation:


Even if you are just starting out, there is no better feeling than receiving recognition and praise for your work. This kind of feedback is certainly heart-warming, but it also points towards your work being a hit with the audience. Grasp the boost and integrate this into your stand so you can use it to your advantage in the future. If there is a particular factor that really resonates with some, then look at building this into your display stand and use it to help yours stand out even more.


If you are interested in further information of how Folding Display Boards can enhance your exhibition stand, then please give us a call on 01733 232000 or send an e-mail to, and our team of advisors would be more than happy to help.