How Embracing Eco-Efficiency Can Help to Save You Money

By investing a little bit of time and effort, becoming eco-efficient will not only benefit your health and the planet, but you can save some money all at the same time. Whether you are looking to be more eco-conscientious at work or at home, there is an incredible amount of minor changes you can make to save you thousands of pounds long term.  From simple ones you have been hearing about for years, to a few that might surprise you. There has never been a better time to become more eco-efficient.


Eco Changes At Home

I’m sure we have all had the pleasure of receiving a call from the solar panel salesman exclaiming how much we can save by adding these to our roofs. But saving money does not have to cost you thousands in the first place. Small tweaks and changes may be saving you a few quid at first, but over time the benefits build up. Before you know it you have extra money in your pocket. This is all from taking a few minutes to install energy saving lightbulbs or hang your washing out to dry rather than using the tumble dryer.


In the home, being eco-friendly focuses heavily on energy usage. How you can make the most out of what you are paying for. Simple tips such as wearing an extra jumper and keeping lids on pans are well documented, but have you considered installing a carpet during winter to assist with insulation? Also, over time the seal between window and doors frames can degrade, allowing precious heat to escape. Minor factors such as these can be detrimental towards your heating bill. So doing a little bit over the weekend can help you to save on your bills every month.


Eco In The Workplace

When at work, the impact you can have is obviously dependent on how much authority you have. Changes here do not have to be as drastic as installing insulation. Businesses are somewhat famous for how much paper they use. In the digital era, it is a wonder why so many continue to rely on endless reams of paper. If your line of work simply can’t avoid it, then reuse as much as you can. Remember that paper has two sides. If you’re just looking to print off notes, you can save an incredible amount by using both sides to print.


In terms of tenuous ways to be eco-efficient, there are many other ways to save the pennies. One massive mistake that people still seem to make is going out for lunch every day. Rather than spending ten minutes packing a lunch in the morning, many would rather spend £1000+ a year on meal-deals. Likewise, many of us choose to drive to work out of convenience rather than anything else. If you’re not motivated enough to grab your bike out of the shed, try to see if you can carpool with your colleagues!


Go Green and become eco-friendly