What Are the Possibilities with A Custom Made Pop Up Stand?

The often rigid design of the Pop Up Stand has become a staple tool for a variety of businesses attending exhibitions. With striking graphic design combined with an incredibly easy setup mechanism, the Pop Up Stand has become a very effective way to create a stylish exhibition stand without the added cost. Perhaps their only drawback has been their lack of flexibility. This can become an issue for companies attending different events with a variety of exhibition stand sizes.


Instead, by choosing to go with a manufacturer, they can create custom made pop up stands which give you fantastic creative freedom over your exhibition stand. From the core design to accessories, your ideal pop up stand can be created from scratch. This ensures that your brand, products and services make a significant impact when attending exhibitions. Here at Go Displays, we have specialised in manufacturing exhibition stands for over 40 years, tailor making displays for companies from a wide variety of industries, all across the United Kingdom.


Pop Up Stand Rooms

One unique way of taking advantage of this is to combine pop up stands together to create temporary rooms. Exhibitions are highly competitive arenas where companies need to be unique to grab the attention of visitors. Creating a pop up room provides a variety of different possibilities to help make people more aware of your products. For example, they can be used to integrate activities where potential clients can try out a product. Alternatively, as there is plenty of walking involved for many attendees. A pop up room could take advantage of this by providing a break area with tea and coffee, offering the opportunity to speak with them on a more casual level.


Pop Up Stand Backdrops

When preparing for the main exhibition of the year, you may be inclined to opt for a larger exhibition stand. Making the most of this space can be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to create something unique. Plus, it provides much more scope for you to be creative. Custom Made Pop Up Stands are fantastic for this as you can combine multiple pop ups together to create an eye-catching back-drop. The rest of the space is then yours to fill with activities, live demonstrations etc.

A fantastic option with Custom Made Pop Up Stands is liaising with the manufacturer to add your own personal touches.  Make it so your exhibition stand really advertises your brand. For example, Pop Up Stands are now available with integrated shelving which creates a slick design as well as additional display space to include your products and more.


Pop Up Stand Towers

Establishing a way to stand out from the competition in busy exhibition halls also poses another challenge. Should you use bright colours to grab the eye? Live displays which draws the crowds? Sometimes these options are just not feasible for smaller businesses on tighter budgets. A solution to this is to opt for a Tower Pop Up Stand. This includes an added block to the top of your exhibition stand. This provides a fantastic focal point to include a brand name or well-known product name. Therefore, people who have come to see you can identify your exhibition stand, even in the thick of the crowd.


There are a wide variety of options that you can take advantage of to give your exhibition stand the edge. If you have an idea in mind or a strategy you wish to achieve, get in contact with a manufacturer. They can provide advice on the viability of it, and how your idea can be achieved. Go Displays is a leading manufacturer in creating bespoke Pop Up Stands, so if you would like further information on them, or you have an idea you would like to discuss, then please give us a call on 01733 232000 or send an e-mail to sales@godisplays.co.uk and our team of advisors would be glad to help.


Possibilities with Custom Made Pop Up Stands